[gentoo-dev] Locating "node-gyp" in an ebuild
Ralph Seichter
2018-12-08 13:29:51 UTC
What is the recommended method to locate "node-gyp" in an ebuild? I
don't suppose /usr/lib64/node_modules/npm/bin/node-gyp-bin/node-gyp is
a path I can expect to find on every Gentoo system with NodeJS.

An eclass for NodeJS has been proposed on this mailing list before, but
as far as I can tell no such eclass exists yet?

Ralph Seichter
2018-12-08 14:52:21 UTC
Post by Ralph Seichter
What is the recommended method to locate "node-gyp" in an ebuild?
Nevermind. After reinstalling the module, I now have /usr/bin/node-gyp
on my system, so node-gyp is available in PATH.

